For almost three (3) decades now Village Land in the Loliondo and Sale Divisions has been the subject of various Government, Civil Society, and Media reports popularly known as the Loliondo Dispute. In all these times of crisis the government and the people living in the affected villages have never found a solution to the crisis.
Taarifa hii imetokana na mchakato na maamuzi ya wananchi kupitia viongozi wao wa kisiasa na kimila chini uratibu wa Mbunge wa Wilaya ya Ngorongoro kutafuta nia ya kuendeleza majadialiano na serikali na mamlaka zake za hifadhi ili kutafuta muafaka wa kutatua mgogoro huu uliodumu zaidi ya miongo mitatu.
Community opinions on socio-economic, cultural and ecological status in Ngorongoro.
Highlights of reports from climate change based interventions.
The Green Climate Fund is a fund established within the framework of the UNFCCC as an operating entity of the Financial Mechanism to assist developing countries in adaptation and mitigation practices to counter climate change. This is a summary of what it means
Wenyeji wa Ngorongoro kwa zaidi ya miongo sita wamefukarishwa kwa jina la uhifadhi. Andiko hili lina lengo la kubainisha umuhimu wa kubadili hali hii pamoja na kupendekeza mpango endelevu wenye kuendeshwa na ushahidi.
Chapisho hili limeandaliwa kwa ajili ya kuwezesha utoaji wa elimu kwa umma hasa wananchi wa vijijini juu ya utekelezaji wa Sera ya Taifa ya Ardhi ya mwaka 1995, sheria za ardhi hasa Sheria ya Ardhi ya Kijiji Na. 5 ya 1999 na Kanuni zake za mwaka 2002.
Lengo kuu ni kutoa mwanga wa sheria zinazomgusa mwanamke na mtoto moja kwa moja. Kiongozi hiki kitakuwa ni mwongozo kwa wale ambao wako mstari wa mbele katika kutetea haki za wanawake, kufundishia na kitachochea hisia na udadisi na hatimaye kupelekea ushiriki wa kikamilifu katika harakati hizi.
Indigenous peoples’ rights need to be reflected in decisions, policies and methodologies related to land use in the future climate change agreements, and they need to be implemented at the national level. There arises a need for a partnership.
Drops from God
“Drops from God”: Climate Change, Prolonged Droughts and the Insecure Livelihoods of Tanzania’s Indigenous Peoples
Impacts of Climate Change Mitigation Strategies on Indigenous Peoples Livelihoods: A Case of Tanzania
Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation of Indigenous Peoples in Tanzania: What Role Can Indigenous Knowledge Play?